Where Did April Go?

And while we're at it, what about March? Sometimes it seems that time is slower than mud, but other times it seems to whoosh past me and all I see is the tracks that it left. That's kind of silly because time doesn't leave tracks—does it?

(Hmmmm....I think that might be the beginning of a new series! Tracking Time...I guess I'd better get to work.)

But before I do, I wanted to tell you that the third book in my California trilogy is almost done! Here's the cover from the first book in the trilogy, The Clue at Fort Point. Can you tell that the lighthouse is under the Golden Gate Bridge? (Click on the cover—it will link you to the National Historic Site for Fort Point.)

I'm very excited about this new series. Stay tuned for more information very soon!

Hope time is being good to you!


Something in the Wind


Plans to Make