Restoring the Pigeon Point Lighthouse
The Secret at Pigeon Point is my latest lighthouse adventure and book three in my new Northern California trilogy. In a happy coincidence, the Pigeon Point Lighthouse itself is in the process of being restored after more than two decades of being closed to the public. And, on November 16, 2024, the Pigeon Point Lighthouse celebrated its 152 anniversary with special tours and events.
In 2001, state park officials closed the tower after a large piece of “bracing iron” fell from the structure. But in 2021, Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers provided $18.9 million to fund the entire Pigeon Point restoration project. Lighthouse lovers across the state and around the country were thrilled, and this summer, the project got started in earnest.
When I visited the Pigeon Point Lighthouse in September, the scaffolding that will allow workers access to all levels of the tower was already in place. (See my first photo of how it looks now as opposed to a few years ago.) Estimates are that the project will be completed by the end of 2025 and that—keep your fingers crossed—members of the public will again be able to climb the 136 steps to an amazing view of the California coast, the Pacific Ocean, and some of the creatures who live there. I can hardly wait!
P.S. You can learn more about the Pigeon Point Lighthouse renovation in this CBS special segment and at the California State Parks website.

I thought I'd take up knitting.
Burying things at the beach.

Off on a trip to... Squirrel!

Gone fishing!

It wasn't my fault.

Time for a nap.